

Project Objective: Translate the manual process of upgrading a bank account into a native app experience that clearly communicates the benefits and legal terms to the user.

Project Role: Co-Product Design Lead
Agency: Fluid



Work was produced quickly within 2 week sprints. We would start the beginning of each sprint with an ideation session, so the developers could get a general idea of the flow and structure of what we were thinking for the designs. 

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User Flows

One tool for planning each sprint was user flows. This process helped determine the system logic and how many screens we needed to produce in design. 

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Proof of Concept

In addition to my normal sprint work, I was asked to help with a few conceptual projects– like an instant loan tool and reinventing the existing ‘Know Your Customer’ experience. With the use of personas, extensive research, and conceptual mockups, I was able to flip the experiences from a product-centric approach to a customer-centric approach.

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The solution for the in-app bank account upgrade included a blend of educational on-boarding content with value props explaining the benefits of upgrading. By day 3 after launch, around 60 people had upgraded their bank accounts. Prior to launch, the call-center would celebrate if they got just 1 or 2 people to upgrade within that time span. This long-term collaborative project with Citi set the pathway for my company to engage in similar projects.