
SiriusXM provides an immersive audio experience for in-vehicle entertainment systems with integrated voice and text search.

Leverage AI & natural language processing to improve the search experience and reduce driver distraction.

Project Role
Lead Designer, SME of Search & Discovery

CES Video

Video Production & Editing by Tom Westerlin, BANG+MASH

This video was created for the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to showcase where the future of voice interaction at SiriusXM is headed. I created storyboards and provided art direction to the video team to bring the concept of ‘voice mode’ to life. Beyond searching for content, voice interaction & AI provide an enhanced e-commerce experience and make features more accessible.

Content Audit & Synthesis

The first step to designing new ways to search for content was to examine the content itself. I translated data from programming into charts to visualize content distribution across SiriusXM & Pandora. The charts, or as I’m keen to call them, “content universes” show the hierarchical relationship of content, and explore new ways to slice and compare them based on attributes: like whether a clip was recorded live or whether it was generated by an algorithm.

Customer Journeys

Using data from in-vehicle testing labs and persona research, I documented the customer journey for the existing search feature. This conveyed what users are thinking and feeling at each step of searching for content, and ultimately helped me define use cases for design improvements with product stakeholders.

Prototypes + Research

My hypothesis was that improvements to the conversational aspects of voice interaction would make them more likely to use it again. This is a demo I put together for proposed voice search features. Users should be able to speak freely to communicate requests, and the system can serve up relevant results and suggestions.


Participants reacted positively to the conversational features presented in the concept. 29/37 participants preferred search results to be presented both visually and verbally, but expressed concern over having to combine touch with voice while driving. This speaks to a desire to be able to complete an entire task using voice for a totally hands-free experience, and the importance of voice interaction in the vehicle.

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